Saturday, January 26, 2008


I began donor evaluation testing in September. Testing lasted all the way up to Jan. 16th (2 days before surgery) because they do a final crossmatch. I had numerous blood tests, including but not limited to, HIV, Epstein-Barr, hepatitis and herpes varietals. You are tested very thoroughly because they want the donor to be in excellent health before allowing them to donate an organ. I did several urine tests, a couple of renal CT scans, chest x ray, mammogram, complete gynecological exam, and an EKG. Tissue typing and cross matching were done twice. I also had to monitor my blood pressure. The testing felt like it took forever but we were told I was a compatible donor early in November and received a definite surgery date on December 26, 2007.
At times, I felt like I had no patience waiting for test results but in the end it was worth the wait. I found out that I am very healthy and could make a huge difference in "G's" quality of life.
But, I was wondering when I was going to start getting nervous about surgery.

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