Saturday, January 26, 2008

Morphine Scare!

When this happened I was in my room at the hospital. I was feeling pretty good at the time and they had explained that the morphine pump would only release so much each time I hit it. It also had a lock on it and I couldn't dose myself repeatedly. Cool, I could control my pain without calling for a nurse!
I remember deciding to take a nap as I felt exhausted (this is probably a normal feeling after major surgery, lol). I thought that I would hit the morphine pump one time so I would be able to sleep without pain. I drifted off to sleep.
I woke up several hours later and there were what seemed like 50 people standing in my room staring at me! This freaked me out. I asked what was going on and apparently when I went to sleep, it was a very deep sleep. Almost coma-like. The nurse had trouble waking me and I got really pale and my lips turned white. I was more freaked out after they told me all of that. I just thought I took a nap. Anyway, it turns out that I am allergic to morphine and this was how my body reacted. It slowed my heart rate down a lot.
I remember calling the nurse after I hit the morphine pump because I felt like I was having a hot flash and was dizzy. My doctor had the morphine removed immediately, but enough had gotten into my system for me to have a bad reaction. Because of this reaction, I had to wear a heart monitor the entire time I was in the hospital. They were just being cautious but I assure you, I have no heart problems and was tested thoroughly before surgery. What a way to find out you are allergic to something!
I was afraid to sleep that night and "G's" son spent the night in my room to watch me because I refused to be left alone. I was terrified and refused any more pain meds until the next evening.
Mu nurse that evening (she will remain nameless) was not the greatest. My catheter was not draining properly and it leaked across my leg a couple times that night. When I called for her to check it, both times, she said it was fine and not leaking. Can you please explain why I felt pee trickling across my leg? I called for a nurse at about 3AM to check it again because I felt like I really had to pee. If you have ever had a catheter, then you know that you don't even realize when you are peeing and should not feel like you need to go. She answered my call, said ok and no one ever came. By this time, I was very angry and would have climbed out of my bed and killed her if I was able. At shift change, my new nurse checked the catheter, realized it wasn't draining and fixed it.
I saw one of my surgeons later that morning and he agreed to remove my catheter. What a relief!
I was also up and walking the halls at shift change because I could not stand to stay in bed any longer.
More about the day after later.


Marta Campos said...


I am getting ready to donate my kidney to my 4yo son in February. We don't have a set date already, but it should be towards the end of the month. I wanted to ask you how long did you have the catheter (the pee one). Did you have to stand up and walk carrying it?


Kelly said...

I had my catheter removed at about 10am the day after surgery. Mine had a bag that collected the pee and yes I had to carry it with me until they removed it. By the time you get to the point where you are ready to walk, you will have no modesty and won't really care that you have to carry your catheter with you. Just have them check it and make sure it drains properly so you don't end up with a bladder infection. Good luck with your surgery, you are doing a wonderful thing. Keep me posted and I will keep you and your son in my prayers.

Marta Campos said...


Thank you for responding. I know what you mean about modesty, I've had 2 children and once you are in labor you forget all about that! When I had my son I had a c-section with general anesthesia and I got a catheter also, but I didn't have to carry it. I was not thinking about modesty, rather with it being uncomfortable, but I guess we just have to do it.

We are from Portugal (Europe) and I have a blog too (, but since it is in Portuguese, I doubt you understand any of it! :)

I just read your post from today. Thank you for reminding me about fibers vs. constipation!!

Take care.