Monday, January 28, 2008

Can't Sleep

As those of you reading this blog know, I am one week and 2 days post-op. I have everything caught up to the day that I was released from the hospital and now I will fill in the rest of this past week for you.
I do have some pain, some days it is almost unnoticeable and on others it hurts. It isn't anything unbearable, just sort of annoying. The great majority of it has to do with sleeping. I am just now able to sleep on my right side on top of pillows. Sleeping on my back was more painful and I seem to move less when on my side. I will praise the day that I can roll on my stomach comfortably! I took the advice of some others who have donated in the past and invested in body pillows. It really helps to sort of surround yourself with your bed pillows, support your back with one and I keep a body pillow on each side. The rest of the pain seems to come from the inside and it just feels like the muscles that were cut through are healing. Again, it isn't unbearable but annoying.
Itching has been driving me nuts this past week. My incision is healing :), but boy would I love to scratch it! I am trying to figure out how to deal with the itching but no good ideas yet. As soon as my steri-strips fall off, I plan on using lots of cocoa butter and Neosporin which hopefully will cut down on ther itching.
My appetite is almost normal again. I have been trying to drink a ton of water and eat high fiber foods because you really want to avoid constipation after you donate. Your surgeons will talk to you about that and more than likely will suggest using colace for a while.
I am walking a little more each day. I aim for 2o minutes at least 3 times a day but some days you just don't feel that strong. I do what I can. My energy level is slowly increasing so most days I can make my walking goal. Just don't overdo it. You also don't want to stay in bed all the time. It weakens your body and will make your recovery period longer. Walk as much as you can tolerate but you aren't training for a marathon.
If anyone has questions that you would rather not post, please email them to me at and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
Good night!

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