Saturday, February 2, 2008

Follow-up #1

All went well at the follow-up appointment this past Thursday. G's numbers are looking very good. He will have his sutures removed next Thursday (which is my first follow-up).
They are constantly adjusting his meds. but it will take time to get them exactly right.
The hardest part is still sleeping, I am dying to be able to lie on my left side again!
I sometimes get what feels like a shooting pain in the area where my kidney used to be. I have been told this is because the nerves are getting feeling back. It isn't a bad pain. Just a little weird.
I have been monitoring my blood pressure and it is staying around 113/65, which is a good sign.
My energy level increases a little each day. I still get tired if I overdo it so I am being cautious.
I can't wait to go back to work!


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you are doing better. Time is really the only thing that will help at this point. I am curious, do you have any numbness on the side where you incision is? From about mid way up my thigh to my hip bone on my Left side is still numb. They said it could be nerve damage from the way they had my body bent in surgery. Just wondering if I am the only one or if this is something that is a normal occurence.

Kelly said...

I have heard about numbness but I haven't experienced it. My recipient has numbness and the doctors told me I would, but I can feel everything around the incision area. I wish you the best with your recovery!