Monday, February 18, 2008


I just wanted to thank those of you who have left comments and emailed me with your wishes for my recovery. It means a lot to know that so many people care.
Also, I hope I have been helpful to those of you who have emailed me questions about donating. I know that the transplant teams provide you with information, but I think talking to someone who has been through the whole process can make you feel more comfortable with your decision. Just reading through the forums on was a big help to me.
It is officially 1 month since surgery and we are both doing very well.
If anyone would like to send me stories of their transplant experience, please do.
And, finally, to any new donors, welcome to the Kidney Club!


Lisa the Waitress said...

Yay Kelly! I just got all caught up with you - everything looks great, it was so good to finally see you yesterday!!

I'm glad you are doing well!

Kelly said...

Thanks! It was good to see everyone at the shower Sunday and I am actually excited to come back to work next week. Gotta make the money to pay my taxes!
See you next week.