Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Greg's Creatinine Level Up Slightly

I talked with Greg Tuesday and I am nervous because his creatinine level has increased. It was 1.8 last week and is now 1.9. It is not much of an increase and he has no signs of rejection. He spoke with the post-transplant coordinators and was told that this is normal while meds are being adjusted. He has a follow-up at the transplant center on Thursday morning and is watching very closely for any signs of rejection. I am more nervous than he is.
Signs of rejection include: fever, swelling of feet and ankles, elevated BUN and potassium, decreased urine output and elevated creatinine levels.
I will let everyone know more about his condition as I hear more. Please pray for him!
I informed him that I don't allow his body to reject my kidney and anyone who knows me well would laugh and say that they would be scared to reject my organs, too.
April is National Donate Life Month. Fill out those donor cards!!

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